Local Road Management Manual 57 constraints toward the local road network should be identiifed. These issues can be prioritized by the LGU based on its policy directions. From these issues, the LGU can derive goals, objectives and targets for the local road network in support of the development vision; d. Local Road Network Development Strategies. The LGU identiifes the strategies to address issues and targets of the local road sector. The broad strategies are translated into programs, projects and activities (PPAs) of the local road sector. These strategies should include the following considerations: i. Options for Local Road Management. This pertains to the type, quality and quantity of engineering measures appropriated for a local road given its network function. In general, there should be regular maintenance works for roads that are identiifed in good and fair condition. Rehabilitation works will then be applied to roads that are identiifed to be in poor and bad condition. If the existing road is inadequate or incapable of supporting the current and projected traiffc volume, the subject local road may be improved or upgraded. As with any other development projects, local road infrastructure competes for funding against other LGU service deliveries. Engineering measures for local roads are therefore prioritized based on how a local road provides support to the envisioned spatial framework or land use of the LGU. Normally, local roads that are critical to identiifed growth centers of the LGUs are prioritized for funding and implementation; ii. Programming and Budgeting for Local Roads. Programming for local roads refers to the allocation (programming) of investments for the engineering measures based on the conditions of the road and its investment priority. The investment program may be in terms of planning estimates or programmed cost, which is an approximation of the cost based on a similarity of a typical kilometer of engineering intervention from the previous projects for which cost was updated to current price using price indices from BSP and or DTI-CIAP. The investment program is often multi-year and

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