Chapter 2: Local Road Administration 46 and control as deifned in this paragraph.” The provision of standards and guidelines over local road management is therefore an exercise of supervision and oversight of DILG over the LGUs. Furthermore, NEDA Board Resolution No. 6 was issued on March 12, 1996, which designated DILG to be the lead national government agency to oversee and administer national government assistance to LGU in implementing devolved infrastructure programs and projects (e.g. local road infrastructure). Devolved infrastructure projects shall be undertaken by the LGU with DILG providing assistance in institution, capacity and capability building, and with DPWH and other technical agencies providing and transferring technical expertise as necessary. 7.37.3 Role of the DILG over the Special Local Road Fund (SLRF)Role of the DILG over the Special Local Road Fund (SLRF) Republic Act No. 8794, otherwise known as the Motor Vehicle Users’ Charge (MVUC) Law, was enacted on June 27, 2000. The MVUC Law declares that it is the policy of the state to provide for and ensure the adequate maintenance of national and provincial roads through suiffcient funding for the purpose. The Law provides that the MVUC shall be imposed on every vehicle, which shall be collected from the owner of motor vehicle. All monies collected under the MVUC Law shall be earmarked solely and used exclusively for: a. Road maintenance and improvement of road drainage; b. Installation of adequate and eiffcient traiffc lights and road safety devices; and c. Air pollution control MVUC is collected by the LTO from the annual vehicle registration and deposited in four Special Trust Accounts in the National Treasury. The Four Special Trust Accounts are: a. Fund 151—Special Road Support Fund under DPWH for National Roads (80%); b. Fund 152 – Special Local Road Fund under DPWH for Provincial and City Roads (5%); c. Fund 153 – Special Road Safety Fund under DPWH (7.5%); and d. Fund 154 – Special Vehicle Pollution Control under DOTC

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