Local Road Management Manual 47 (7.5%). e. Three other members to be appointed for a term of two (2) years by the President of the Philippines upon the recommendation of the DPWH and DOTC from nominations of transport and motorist organizations. Section 7 of RA 8794 provides that ifve percent (5%) of the monies collected shall be allotted to and placed in a Special Local Road Fund (SLRF), which shall be apportioned to provincial and city governments in accordance with the vehicle population and size of the road network under their respective jurisdictions. SLRF implementation at the LGU level is considered as an enabling strategy to address the above issues and strengthen the local road sector management processes. The SLRF component of the MVUC is administratively supervised and managed by the DILG through a Memorandum of Agreement with DPWH, dated June 24, 2005. This enabled the collaboration between DPWH and DILG relative to the administration of the Special Local Roads Fund covering the planning, programming, apportionment of SLRF to provinces and cities, monitoring and reporting the utilization of the SLRF. Speciifcally, the roles of DILG towards the administration of SLRF are: a. Collaborate with DPWH Road Program Oiffce (RPO) in administering/ overseeing the implementation and utilization of SLRF at the LGU level in accordance with prescribed policies and standards under the MVUC Law and its IRR; b. Provide DPWH-RPO with LGUs’ road length and vehicle population data as basis for apportionment of SLRF to Provinces and Cities; c. d. Inform Provincial and City Governments of their SLRF annual allocation for the preparation of their Annual Work Programs (AWPs); e. Review, consolidate and submit LGUs Annual Works Program to the Road Board thru DPWH-Road Program Oiffce (RPO); f. Monitor progress, and utilization of SLRF; g. Install and operate Implementation Tracking System with assistance of DPWH-RPO; h. Institutionalize systems and mechanisms on road maintenance management in the LGUs; and i. Represent the LGUs to the Road Board

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