Local Road Management Manual 221 Table 7.8 Replacement of Bituminous Pavements Purpose To provide smooth, well-drained pavements. Procedure 1. Remove damaged pavements. 2. Add base material if needed. 3. Clean surface to be covered. 4. Spray liquid asphalt at speciifed rate as tack coat or prime coat. 5. Place pre-mix in layers and compact each layer, or place aggregate in layers, compact each layer, penetrate ifnal layer with asphalt and apply cover sand. 6. Final layer should be lfushed with surrounding surface. Notes • Considering mobility of machine, the width to be replaced should not be less than one lane of the road. • When the cause of damage is due to weak base or sub-base, remove and replace the base or sub-base prior to replacement of bituminous pavement. • Disturbed base when removing damaged bituminous pavement should be leveled and compacted prior to laying of bituminous pavement. • Tack coat or prime coat should be applied uniformly on bottom surface and vertical side as well. • Laying of asphalt mixture should be approx. 0.5 to 1.0 cm. higher than the adjacent surroundings to give allowance for settlement.
LRM Manual CMGP Page 220 Page 222