Chapter 7: Local Road Maintenance Management 207 Excessive vegetation; Tree branches and bushes that obstruct sight distance, inside curves, intersections; and Obstructions (stalled vehicles, roadside stores, shanties, unnecessary stockpiles of aggregates or boulders), and trees within the RROW. d. Traffic services Unreadable warning/regulatory/informative signs; Unpainted/corroded guardrails; Damaged/fallen guardrails; and Presence of vegetation on installed guardrails. 5. Elements of a Maintenance Project a. The preparation of local road maintenance projects by local engineering offices consists of the following elements: b. Selection/prioritization of roads in fair to good condition; c. Conduct and assessment of detailed road condition survey; d. Inspection program and defects report; e. Identification of maintenance activities; f. Preparation of work plans and programs including cost estimates; g. Work scheduling and assignment of work by contract or work by administration; and h. Works management and safe working practices 6. Suggested Minimum Frequency of Maintenance Activities for Local Gravel Roads Only roads in good and fair condition should be maintained. Roads in poor or bad condition should be rehabilitated first into maintainable condition. The suggested rating for local road conditions shown in Chapter 4 is again listed in Table 7.1. The minimum frequencies for maintenance activities for local roads are shown in Table 7.2. The activity standards for these maintenance

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