Local Road Management Manual 208 activities are fully detailed as Annex 5 of this Manual. Contractors and local engineering offices should follow these suggested frequencies of maintenance activities including these reference standards when implementing maintenance by contract and maintenance by administration, respectively. These maintenance activities can be scheduled throughout the year to prevent the deterioration of the road into poor or bad condition. A sample work schedule for maintenance is shown in Table 7.3. Table 7.1 Recommended Condition Rating for Local Roads Pavement Condition Type/ Road Rating Field Condition Elements Good Sound, even, and no cracks or scaling, normal speed ok at 7080 kph. Even with very minimal hair-like cracks and very Fair minimal surface wearing, normal speed ok at 50- 60 kph. concrete Slightly uneven with minor cracks (<=3mm. width) Poor and wearing surface, joint sealant deterioration normal speed ok at 30-40 kph. With major cracks, shattered slabs, joint deteri- Bad oration and cut/slip, can only travel very slowly, normal speed ok at 20-30 kph. Good Sound, well-shaped, even and waterproof, normal speed ok at 70-80 kph. Even with minor patches and very minimal wear- Fair ing surface but still waterproof, normal speed ok Asphalt at 50-60 kph. Poor Very uneven and porous, with potholes and cracks (<=3mm. Width) normal speed 30-40 kph. Very broken up, rough, with base failures, edge Bad break, can only travel very slowly, normal speed ok at 20-30 kph.

Local Road Management Manual - Page 209 Local Road Management Manual Page 208 Page 210