PHILOSOPHY The essence of our design is to explore the stylistic potential of Nubian vernacular archi- tecture. Its language resembles the last living legacy of a truly living egyptian identity with its ancient, yet still surviving, use of mud. This leg- acy lives on through the materiality of its archi- tecture and how it is communicated through the medium of the building. What truly de昀椀nes the survival of this legacy is not necessarily the form but the texture and materiality that has been passed on generation and after gen- eration. Architecture remains timeless not just through visual memory, but also architectural tactility. The timelessness that characterized ancient egyptian architecture can be found in the stoic and composed nature of Earthern archi- tecture. Our design will utilize the building and aesthtetic potential of earthern architecture to come up with an empowered architectural “identity” that can truly be in a global dialogue with contemporary trends of architecture. INSPIRATION The illustration and aesthetic of this proj- ect is inspired by Hus- sein Bicar’s paintings on Nubian culture and Nubian people. His art provided the artistic palette on which our architectural render- ings were based on. The formal identity of the project is inspired by how the Nubians embodied a vernac- ular approach to con- struction and connect- ing the man-made environment to the natural environment.
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