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employees have high standards of integrity, but highlighted that • Ensuring all emergency recruitment processes are the evidence from previous recessions has shown that they subject to auditing and oversight, and including an lead to greater occupational fraud, embezzlement, bribery of analysis of corruption patterns. public officials, and other breaches of integrity. Nevertheless, it also noted that the risk increases when financial pressures, • Permitting remote access to auditors and opportunities, and rationalization come into play, as they did in the oversight bodies. COVID-19 emergency. Furthermore, it recognized that emerging scandals of corruption can also adversely impact the perception • Creating digital tools that make it possible to follow up that citizens have of corruption and, as a result, undermine on emergency recruitment and provide easy access to support for government measures and reforms. the public. In response to this, the OECD pointed out that public sector For accountability, monitoring, and oversight of economic stimulus organizations can proactively improve controls to prevent packages, the OECD noted that, paradoxically, governments are and detect corruption and fraud, especially by reviewing and relaxing control in order to fast track the use of funds. It pointed strengthening current public integrity systems in organizations. out that this situation increases the risks of corruption, fraud, As for the World Bank, it pointed out that urgent procurement waste, and abuse, which could undermine the effectiveness and processes must last as long as the emergency, thus avoiding efficiency of these programs. In that respect, the OECD issued a the artificial prolongation of staff, but agrees that staff with fit-for- call to do the following: purpose skills should be hired. Following this advice, governments will clearly benefit from clearly setting forth the qualifications that are required for the jobs to be filled, especially those for positions • To coordinate clear responsibilities and lines of of high-level responsibility and public management. Furthermore, communication to ensure that all civil servants are held they would benefit from publicizing the need for merit and accountable for their actions. In view of the relaxation of emphasizing this aspect of recruiting operations. controls, it warned that civil servants continue to be on the One successful example of a measure of this kind was the “front line” of protection and that it is necessary to transmit program “I serve my country in the emergency” (Yo sirvo a mi to the entire staff that they are expected to monitor public país en la emergencia), promoted by the Ministry of Health of funds permanently. Chile in partnership with the DNSC. This program facilitated the • To ensure an adequate assessment of integrity risks, timely recruiting of 9,000 civil servants for the health sector on in which civil servants are encouraged to document and the basis of a competitive and merit-based process at the worst report any obstacle or deviation that might appear. moment of the pandemic (May and June 2020). Its purpose was to call upon health professionals and technicians throughout the • That external oversight bodies should adopt a risk-based country, so that they would bring their skills and talents together to cooperate in the health emergency triggered by the coronavirus.12 and data-centered approach. This program made it possible to substantially absorb the highest demand for qualified health staff in the midst of the emergency, and it was devoid of any whistleblowing and accusations. It is To strengthen accountability, the OECD especially recommended thus an experience of fast-tracking cooperation between public establishing specialized oversight bodies and ensuring they health bodies and the civil services. have a clear and consistent mandate in connection with existing stakeholders for accountability. As a complement to this, the In view of rising risks because of the pandemic, the OECD also World Bank recommended that “when a specific fund has been recommended the following: created, an explicit oversight mechanism must be established. Said oversight mechanism must guarantee clear management and leadership and include a special board, special audits, and • Raising awareness about standards of integrity to ensure earmarked resources to enhance supervision and follow-up.”11 that all staff continue to abide by the rules and uphold the As for the rise in the risk of integrity breaches in government highest standards of public sector values. institutions, the OECD recognized that most public sector Cultivating a culture of integrity in the civil service in times of crisis 34

Cultivating a culture of integrity in the civil service in times of crisis. - Page 42 Cultivating a culture of integrity in the civil service in times of crisis. Page 41 Page 43