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Challenges must be addressed from a human rights perspective • Ensuring basic internal oversight, such as the and with respect to international obligations.”13 In said declaration, administrative certification of financial statements, anti- the Commission called for the adoption of measures compatible fraud policies, surprise audits, and job rotation. with human rights and pointed out that it was essential to ensure access to accurate and reliable information, as well as to the • Taking advantage of and improving digital tools to promote Internet. integrity and accountability, especially by guaranteeing that relevant information from the government is available Ethical leadership builds trust and one of the most important in a format that is open and reusable, enabling social measures to highlight this is ensuring the transparency of records oversight and ensuring the effectiveness of online whistle- of operations, submitting information to official and public scrutiny, blowing mechanisms. and using that same information and participation to bolster the implementation of the measures and policies to tackle the emergency. In short, transparency of public action is a measure As for this last item, the OECD and the World Bank agreed on the that helps to prevent risks and build greater public trust. importance of keeping records and public access to these records, in order to facilitate social oversight. As for the recruitment of staff, the World Bank recommended the following for governments in the emergency: In a region noteworthy for its progress over the past decade in making information accessible, transparency in the emergency has remained oftentimes undermined, which has led to mistrust in “To define clear principles for the recruitment of new or the public. The publicity of records for evidence, medical statistics, temporary staff. The mobilization of additional human and procurement was at first suspended or restricted in various resources needed to tackle the crisis must be based countries of the Americas, generally on the grounds that there were on the principles of transparency and accountability, urgencies to attend to and that it was difficult to provide information duly documented and guided by clear principles when while ensuring protection measures for public officials. In many exceptions are authorized or required. This does not cases, these measures of secrecy, confidentiality, or opacity have necessarily require prolonged competitive processes been amended and today there is more information available to that might be inconsistent with the urgency of the the public than in 2020. Nevertheless, even in the continent there response. Rather, the emphasis should be on highlighting are exceptional cases in which governments are restricting access the qualifications required for a job which would make to information on evidence and procurement, far below what it possible to revise it subsequently. The appointments international organizations have recommended. must be for a limited period of time to tackle urgent needs or must be subject to revision after the immediate emergency has disappeared.”14 Civil society called early upon governments to respect and not restrict access to public information, and international organizations stressed the importance of keeping records and taking information on the beneficiaries of loans or subsidies and ensuring adequate Attending to the health emergency has also required allocating staffing for record-keeping departments and noted that they would and implementing special financial resources, as mentioned be essential for public agencies and civil servants to be held by the OECD. In the different countries, special budgets and accountable. The OECD urged the use of digital technologies and emergency funds have been enacted, and in some cases underscored the importance of open data to spread transparency financial cooperation mechanisms established with the private and make sure that, despite social distancing measures, citizens sector. These special budgets and funds have been financed by would be able to participate in the response to the health their own resources, including state reserves and national debt, emergency, express criticism, and contribute solutions. which has impacted the finance and borrowing capacity of states. International organizations have clearly indicated that there can Transparency is a factor that empowers society’s other stakeholders be no special funds without oversight. to participation in the problem solving, drawing up proposals, and abiding by government policies. In April 2020, the Inter-American When using special funds, regular oversight mechanisms must be Court of Human Rights issued a public statement addressed to used or mechanisms that can also be special must be established, the States Parties to the American Convention on Human Rights, while ensuring clear management and leadership and including entitled “COVID-19 and Human Rights: The Problems and resources to enhance this monitoring and oversight. One initiative Cultivating a culture of integrity in the civil service in times of crisis 35

Cultivating a culture of integrity in the civil service in times of crisis. - Page 43 Cultivating a culture of integrity in the civil service in times of crisis. Page 42 Page 44