YOUNGIDEAS outfit planning Organising your closet by out昀椀t can help eliminate the “what to wear” issue... 29 30 ver the years, I’ve also harmony with your lifestyle. Oheard many people like This is important in maintain- to organise their wardrobe by ing a tidy and functional clos- out昀椀t. This is a great way to et. build complete looks using ac- cessories such as scarves and I would also recommend mak- costume jewellery. This fast- ing some sort of record of to-grab, no-thinking-required complete out昀椀ts you love and option works well for an on- feel con昀椀dent in. If you tend the-go lifestyle that demands to forget what goes well with a stylised look. So, think about what, creating a written or how you like to get ready and digital catalogue can be ex- manage your wardrobe in tremely useful. ORGANISATION
The ultimate wardrobe guide Page 16 Page 18