PORTSMOUTH & GOSPORT 50º47’.38N, 001º06’.65W (HARBOUR ENTRANCE) Portsmouth is Britain’s premier naval base and one of the T busiest harbours in the country. It is a very large natural harbour, almost completely landlocked except for the narrow entrance, with the approaches well sheltered by the Isle of Wight. TSMOUTH & GOSPOR POR Crown Copyright – MOD The King’s Harbour Master (KHM) Portsmouth is the regulatory authority of the Dockyard Port of Portsmouth, an area of approximately 55 square miles that encompasses not only Portsmouth Harbour itself, but includes all the waters from Cowes in the west to Hayling Island to Sandown Bay in the east, with the single exception of Bembridge Harbour. Traffic co-ordination for shipping entering and leaving Portsmouth Harbour is performed by Harbour Control which is manned 24 hours a day. The KHM and his staff have to ensure that the 130,000 yearly shipping movements under their control are safely carried out and with the minimum impact to the surrounding area. To facilitate the safe passage of small craft to and from Portsmouth Harbour, a ‘Small Boat Channel’ exists for vessels less than 20m in length on the western side of the harbour entrance. The northern and southern extremities of the Small Boat Channel are at Ballast pile and No. 4 Bar buoy, both of which are to be left close to PORT by vessels entering and departing. Remember, small boats are extremely difficult to see and the harbour entrance is a blind bend to larger vessels. All vessels under 20m shall enter and leave the harbour through the 50m wide Small Boat Channel. All craft fitted with engines, when navigating in the approach channel to Portsmouth Harbour, are to proceed under power between No. 4 Bar buoy and the Ballast pile. Vessels are only to cross the main channel when they are to the north of Ballast pile, and after permission has been obtained from the KHM on VHF Ch 11. 99 solenthandbook.com

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