Vessels entering the Inner Fairway from the Eastern Channel or marinas should do so with caution and give way to any vessel VIOW Solent Handbook banner 82x21 ARTWORK.indd 1VIOW Solent Handbook banner 82x21 ARTWORK.indd 1 27/01/2023 15:1227/01/2023 15:12 already within the Inner Fairway. Before starting any manoeuvre to turn across the vessel traffic or enter any marina always give close COWES & RIVER MEDINA attention to all other vessels in the vicinity, especially those astern. If approaching from the west, stay 125m from the shore to avoid rocks along The Green. Vessels need to keep a close lookout for unlit mooring buoys inside the large Gurnard north cardinal buoy and watch out for yachts starting and finishing races off the harbour entrance. The Cowes Outer Fairway extends 500m north of Nos. 1 and 2 buoys. All vessels must comply with Rule 9 of the Collision Regulations: Navigation in Narrow Channels. Vessels should enter and leave the Inner Harbour between the green No. 1 and red No. 2 fairway buoys. A sailing vessel fitted with an auxiliary engine must proceed with the engine running and ready for immediate use in the Inner Harbour. Avoid entering the moorings either side of the channel or the Shrape Watersports Area to the east of the Shrape Breakwater. The Cowes Breakwater is marked with five GPS-synchronised yellow lights spaced equidistant along the breakwater crest, displaying flash characteristic Fl.Y.2.5s. Stay at least 30m from the breakwater crest as the rock-armoured structure extends 25m to the north and south. The western end, on the Inner Fairway extremity, is marked by a red channel mark Fl.R.2s and the eastern end by a green starboard channel mark Fl.Y.5s. Do not cut inside between these channel marks and the ends of the breakwater; there is limited clearance and obstructions. The Cowes Breakwater is private property. Landing is strictly prohibited and an offence under the Cowes General Directions. Tidal flows in the deeper water of the Solent can be stronger than in the approaches to Cowes Harbour and may even run in the opposite direction to that between Nos. 1 and 2 buoys. Tides in the approaches to Cowes can run up to 3 knots. These strong tidal streams have a significant effect on the manoeuvrability of commercial shipping and ferries. Vessels under 20m, sailing vessels and fishing vessels must give way to large vessels that can only safely navigate within the Cowes Harbour Outer and Inner Fairways. Just off Nos. 1 and 2 buoys a westerly-going ebb tide runs between HW-2.5hrs and HW+3hrs with maximum rates (up to 2.5 knots on spring tides) around 1 hour after HW. The weaker easterly-going flood tide runs from HW+5hrs to HW-3hrs with rates of up to 1.5 knots on spring tides. When passing west of the Cowes Breakwater and up to No. 2A buoy you may enter a tidal shadow with little movement. 75

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