COWES & RIVER MEDINA regulations in Cowes Harbour. The Inner Harbour 6 knot speed limit applies in the Cowes Harbour jurisdiction and within 100m of the Mean High Water Mark west and east of the harbour entrance as far as Egypt Point and Old Castle Point. Navigate with care and caution and keep a good lookout for other vessels and swimmers in the water off the beach at Prince’s Green in Cowes. Do not create wash in the Inner Harbour and within 100m of the shore from Egypt Point COWES & RIVER MEDINA to Old Castle Point. The Chain Ferry (Floating Bridge) carries vehicles, bicycles and foot passengers between Cowes and East Cowes, seven days a week, all year round. The Chain Ferry runs a full service with the support of a “pushing vessel” during spring ebb tides. All vessels are to give way to the Chain Ferry apart from those stated in Cowes General Direction 6.5. Vessels requiring an unimpeded passage must establish early contact (call sign ‘Cowes Chain Ferry’) and agree on VHF Channel 69 which side the ferry will hold for your passage. The Chain Ferry is situated on a blind bend at the narrowest stretch of the river. Navigate with caution when approaching the ferry, particularly with a following tide. The tidal flow generally accelerates as you approach the ferry due to the river narrowing, which may set you down towards the ferry quicker than you initially anticipated. Give way in good time. During all tides, especially spring tides, there are strong currents associated in this narrow part of the river. The ebb flows are usually more pronounced than the flood. The ebb tide is accentuated towards the eastern side of the river where the spring ebb may be in excess of 4 knots and cause the unwary to be set down upon the eastern bank, especially near Trinity Wharf and the Red Funnel ferry terminal in East Cowes. Depending on the tide and position of the Chain Ferry in the river, the depth of navigable water above the level of the chains does vary, being deepest in the centre of the fairway and steadily decreasing towards the banks of the River Medina and at the bow of the ferry. With the Chain Ferry berthed on either the Cowes or East Cowes side, the depth of navigable water above the chains is a minimum of 1.5m below chart datum in the centre of the fairway. For further information contact the Ferry Manager on 01983 293041. Cowes owes much of its popularity to its location in the centre of the Solent and its position midway between Weymouth (46 nautical miles) and Brighton (53 nautical miles), in the centre of the most popular sailing area in the country. As a result, during the summer season there are lots of recreational craft moored on buoys, pontoons, and pile moorings within Cowes Harbour and along the River Medina. A large number of yacht races start and/or finish in Cowes, and the harbour is also popular with visiting cruisers and powerboaters. The main sailing season runs from April to October with the busiest period during July and August. Cowes Week, which is held in the first half of August, sees the approaches to Cowes Harbour and the fairway become extremely crowded. To contact the Cowes Harbour Master afloat call on VHF Ch 69 Call Sign ‘HM1’ or ‘Cowes Harbour Radio’ for the Harbour Master’s Office. Contact: Harbour Office, Town Quay, Cowes, PO31 7AS. Tel: 01983 293952. Email: [email protected] 77

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