16 SOLENT RACING Signals Racing is governed by the use of flag signals - often with accompanying sound signals. The flag is always the primary system; if the sound signal fails it is disregarded. Visual signals - flags or shapes - are used to control races and the attention of competitors is drawn to the visual signals by sound signals. When a visual signal is displayed over a class flag, the signal applies only to that class. AP (Answering Pennant) - Races that have not started are postponed. The warning signal will be made one minute after removal of the AP unless at that time the race is postponed again or abandoned. P - Preparatory signal. I - Round-an-End rule, rule 30.1 is in force. Z - 20% Penalty rule, rule 30.2 is in force. Black flag - Black flag rule, rule 30.3 is in force. X - Individual recall. First Substitute - General recall. The warning signal will be made one minute after the signal is removed. Note: In Cowes, it is common for clubs to use an AP over AP with two sound signals to indicate racing is postponed and competitors are requested not to leave harbour. S - Rule 32.2 is in force. The course has been shortened. L - Flown afloat : Come within hail or follow this boat. Flown ashore: A notice to competitors has been posted. F - Optional Attention Signal: The warning signal will be displayed five minutes after this signal. This signal will be removed one minute before the next signal. Not used for classes which use Flag F as their class flag. M - The object displaying this signal replaces a missing mark. Y - Personal buoyancy must be worn. Blue flag or shape - This race committee boat is in position at the finishing line. AP over H - Races not started are postponed. Further signals ashore. AP over A - Races not started are postponed. No more racing today. AP over a numeral pennant 1-6 - Races are postponed by 1-6 hours from the scheduled starting time. N - All races that have started are abandoned. The warning signal will be made one minute after the signal is removed, unless the race is again abandoned or postponed. N over H - All races are abandoned. Further signals will be made ashore. N over A - All races are abandoned. No more racing today. C - The position of the next mark has been changed. POSTPONEMENT SIGNALS PREPARATORY SIGNALS CONT. RECALL SIGNALS COURSE CHANGE SIGNALS ABANDONMENT SIGNALS PREPARATORY SIGNALS OTHER SIGNALS SOLENT RACING
Solent Handbook April 2024- March 2025 Page 15 Page 17