Written by Anisa Sharm愀਀ Edited by Brianna Hes猀਀ Designed by Antonia Solar Cannabis Regulation in Sports Prohibited List, outlining all substances and Cannabis testing has become a widely methods considered as doping given their integrated practice for athletic competitions ability to enhance performance or conceal the even though it does not enhance performance. usage of a banned drug or substance at all Currently, both the World Anti-Doping Agency times and during competitions. Prohibited (WADA) and the National Collegiate Athletic substances and methods include narcotics Association (NCAA) forbid the consumption of and gene doping, respectively. However, many cannabis in competition. Athletes are American professional leagues are not frequently evaluated for performance eligibility signatories; therefore, they are not required to based on a threshold level of comply with these cannabis regulations. WADA tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive bans substances or methods if athletes meet biological compound present in marijuana. at least two of three of the following Especially in the United States, there is an categories: “posing a health risk to athletes, emphasis on restricting the consumption of potentially enhancing performance, or marijuana in athletics over other substances violating ‘the spirit of sport’” [2]⸀਀ like alcohol largely due to a greater knowledge Currently, there is substantial debate around of the latter’s impacts on the body. However, whether marijuana enhances the athletic marijuana is beginning to adopt an outlook performance of competitors. Dr. Margaret more like alcohol in sports, with looser Henney, a neurobiology professor at the restrictions and a focus on harm-reduction Columbia University Irving Medical Center, strategies in athletes. This often entails disagrees with WADA’s defense of its decision educating athletes on drug usage and to ban cannabis because of performance enrolling them in programs seeking to reduce enhancement capability as she believes that usage᐀䈀 the related data is inconclusive and antithetical. Henney highlights findings that recorded reduced endurance after cannabis consumption. This article also pins the World Anti-Doping Cod漀᐀ potential performance augmenting abilities of cannabis on cannabidiol (CBD), a biological compound present in cannabis that can WADA’s World Anti-Doping Code, a improve anxiety and sleep. CBD, however, was periodically-revised compilation of WADA’s removed from WADA’s Prohibited List in 2018. anti-doping policies and standards for all In the 2018 Clinical Journal of Sports medicine, sports, applies to all 660 of its compliant Dr. Alan Vernec, WADA’s current Chief Medical organizations, or signatories, notably including Officer, asserted in an article that no evidence the International Olympic Committee and U.S. Anti-Doping Agency. The Code includes a 41

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