evaluated by very simple statistics like ERA (runs stretching and rest into a pitcher’s schedule to allowed divided by innings pitched).਀⨀ prevent overuse. It is also important, especially for young pitchers, to develop proper throwing In recent decades, statisticians have taken a more in- mechanics that minimize valgus torque. Pitching depth approach to evaluating pitching success, and mechanics refers to the motions a pitcher makes as this has led to one major finding: increasing he is throwing a pitch towards the plate, and they are strikeouts is the best way to find sustained success in different for each player. Pitchers who have a the big leagues. Now, in the Statcast era (post-2015), controlled and easily repeatable throwing technique teams can track data like launch angle, exit velocity, have been shown to be at a lower risk of sustaining and the expected result of a ball put in play. Many use an injury.਀⨀ these insights to conclude that the best ways to increase strikeouts are high velocity and spin rate਀㠀 Proper mechanics include ensuring the baseball is released from the same arm slot every pitch, that the The unfortunate consequence of these results is that throwing arm is not lagging behind the rest of the teams are now placing a premium on such factors body, and properly following through after a pitch is that are detrimental to a pitcher’s long-term health. released਀㠀 Furthermore, although pitchers are throwing fewer innings than ever, strikeouts take more pitches than New Treatment猀਀ outs that result from balls put in play. This means the Off the field, new technologies could revolutionize average number of pitches per plate appearance has treatment after an injury is sustained. Mesenchymal increased, resulting in more pitches being thrown by stem cell therapy is a novel form of treatment where a pitching staff over a full season (Figure 3). In this bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) is way, current analytical trends are compounding the delivered to the injury site. These cells can then problem of overuse as well, and it is essential for differentiate into the types required to repair the organizations to take steps to ensure the health of damaged ligament. The literature surrounding stem their pitchers. cell treatment for UCL injury is limited, but there have been promising preclinical studies conducted in animal models. The main challenge in using mesenchymal stem cells for this indication is the inability to get progenitor cells to differentiate into ligamentous tissue. Embryonic stem cells, which have the ability to develop into all cell types, could be a potential solution; however, embryonic treatment is controversial due to ethical concerns. If this issue and others can be addressed the treatment has the potential to remove the need for surgery altogether, Figure 3: Average pitches per plate appearance from 1988-2018 eliminating the risk associated with it.਀ꨀ Coaching Solution猀਀ Instead of instituting programs to increase pitcher Conclusio渀਀ performance in the short-term, teams should be In professional sports, there is a tendency to view concerned with the long-term health of their players.  ਀athletes as superhuman and push them to untenable For instance, using balls as ਀ limits in order to win a game. However, this as heavy as 32 oz has approach can have serious consequences over the become become commonplace  ਀course of a single season, and especially over an even for adolescent pit- ਀ entire career. Current analytical trends are creating chers as it has been shown ਀ an increasingly risky environment for the pitchers to lead to faster pitching ਀ and it is imperative that organizations take speeds. However, it ਀ preventative measures to keep their players healthy. also has been shown to Researchers can also  ਀continue to work towards increase the risk of a ਀ improving the efficacy of stem cells and other UCL tear. Such training ਀ promising therapies that could offer monumental regimens should be benefits compared to the standard of care. As these , rarely utilized, if at all.  ਀ innovations come to fruition, hopefully baseball can Instead, teams should loo欀਀ reach a point where injury rates begin to decline and into incorporating more fans’ favorite athletes can remain on the field. 28

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