Notably, it was revealed in a recent report that For example, by tracking movement, breathing, even Apple is working on an AI health coach, and heartbeat, the Quartz app could analyze the codenamed “Quartz.” The coach will take the overall quality of your sleep and suggest a new form of a standalone app, using various health sleep schedule, remove distractions from your metrics and motivational techniques to create sleep environment, or recommend different personalized coaching programs for the app’s sleeping positions to increase comfort. users. Forget closing your rings on your Apple While AI-powered health coaches are about to Watch – Quartz, which is yet to be officially enter the market in a big way, there is always announced but may launch next year, could room for improvement – for instance, there will be become the next industry standard for health inherent socioeconomic bias, as only those with and sports coaching, used by millions to enough money to buy and use wearable health accomplish athletic and health-related goals. ਀ devices will be the ones to provide data for models to train on. As such, the model may be predisposed to more affluent lifestyles and less equipped to coach other demographics, though this may resolve itself as AI-powered devices become more affordable and accessible. AI can also be optimized by reducing sensor misdetection–for example, what does a heartbeat feel like versus the natural movement of your wrist? Finally, as people begin to strap on their first AI coaches, we must begin to analyze the stakeholders that will be impacted by these novel devices, including users, programmers, policy makers, and of course, human coaches and personal trainers. Indeed, users may benefit from Fig 2. 昀椀tness tracking watch cheap and ready access to an AI health coach, but While Apple has been relatively secretive about may have concerns over data privacy. Likewise, their new product, the advantage of an AI-based programmers and policymakers will have to health service is easily understandable. Whereas regulate and compromise over the integration of the Health app and similar products functioned these AI systems in our everyday lives, and human mostly like trackers–recording and displaying a coaches will likely need to find a way to limited number of metrics like steps or estimated incorporate AI in their training programs, working sleep duration–an intelligent app like Quartz with this innovation to provide a more thorough would be able to analyze considerable amounts of health service. In any case, AI-powered wearable data and, rather than display it in raw form, utilize devices are entering the market rapidly, and may these inputs to make health recommendations. revolutionize the way you shape your new lifestyle. 48

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