While there is not clear evidence for the cause of While there is currently no conclusive evidence PD, recognizing possible links is crucial for supporting the long-term success of Boxing effective prevention. By increasing education Therapy (BT) for PD, it is crucial to recognize that about the risks associated with heavy contact the positive outcomes observed might be sports and understanding exactly how these immediate and short-term rather than sustained. injuries occur, new improvements can be However, this uncertainty should not discourage implemented to reduce the chance of injury in further exploration of BT as a potential PD sports, especially those linked to treatment. There exists the prospect that BT, neurodegenerative diseases like PD [5].ꀀ਀ alongside other forms of consistent exercise, could in昀氀uence the neural mechanisms of the disease in the long run. Moreover, emphasizing education on the risks associated with heavy contact sports is essential, along with implementing enhanced measures to safeguard athletes. In the context of boxing, there is potential to reduce the prevalence of The trend between boxing therapy neurodegenerative disorders like PD. While and a decrease in falls acknowledging the associated risks and possible injuries, it's equally important to recognize that demonstrates the potential for where there is risk, there is also opportunity䈀Ḁ decrease in serious injuries in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Since the 1920’s, there has been evidence suggesting a potential relationship between brain trauma from boxing and neurodegeneration [6]. On the other hand, boxing has shown promising results for improving the motor ability of PD patients. In an ongoing longitudinal study of boxing therapy (BT) in PD, 98 patients with PD participated in biweekly boxing therapy sessions, resulting in an 87% decrease in the average number of self-reported falls per month by participants. According to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths in people older than 65 years [7]. For PD patients, motor instability can lead to an increased risk of falls and other injuries [8]. The trend between BT and a decrease in falls demonstrates the potential for decrease in serious injuries in patients with PD [9]਀㠀 Boxing has shown possible improvement for both physical and mental symptoms of PD. Knock Out Parkinson’s, Inc. (KOPI), a non-pro昀椀t organization in Rockford, Illinois, is at the forefront of this initiative. KOPI offers boxing classes speci昀椀cally designed for individuals with PD, aiming to Fig 2. by Fightshop mitigate their symptoms. Beyond the observable physical advantages, participants in the Boxing for Parkinson’s classes highlight the invaluable support system and overall mental well-being bene昀椀ts that have emerged from their engagement in the program [10].ꀀ਀ 22

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