Fig 2. Tissue engineering is emerging as a technique for tendon repair. Despite promising results, there are still certain suturing methods alone [11]. For this reason, athletes challenges facing tissue engineering. Before tissue who previously relied on explosiveness and engineering can see widespread use for tendon athleticism may need to alter the style and intensity repair in athletes, scaffolds must be adequately with which they play following tendon ruptures. decellularized and further optimized for cell However, a recent collaborative review suggests that adhesion. Due to the novel nature and limited use of the use of multiscale nanofiber-based scaffolds may these treatments, scaffolding tends to be an allow the previous mechanical properties of the expensive course of action [8]. Additionally, while Achilles tendon to be restored [12]. If deemed many studies observed positive outcomes in animal suitable for widespread use in humans, tissue models and in vitro settings, there remains a dearth engineering could drastically change attitudes of high-quality randomized clinical trials performed in toward seemingly career-ending injuries.ꨀ᐀ humans. Since the tendons of quadrupedal animals have different load-bearing requirements from Conclusion Even in its initial stages, the benefits that tissue humans, further research is needed in human clinical engineering may offer in the future are highly studies [9]㠀᐀ enticing. It is not hard to imagine a world where tissue engineering allows athletes to experience Future Uses for Sports Medicine Using tissue engineering for tendon repair can faster and more complete recoveries. Despite the present important advantages in treating sports promising results scientists have already begun to injuries. Currently, the most effective treatment observe, it is important to bear in mind that further methods mainly revolve around autografts and research, including clinical trials, will be crucial in allografts. Firstly, autografts involve taking tissue determining the applicability of these novel from donor areas in the afflicted individual’s body treatments to human patients. In short, we may be and using it to repair the damaged soft tissue. cautiously optimistic about the future of tissue Although this method can lead to quicker recovery engineering in sports medicine. times, the limited availability of suitable donor tissue and the fact that we can claim only so much soft tissue from the donor area can limit its usefulness. Secondly, allografts involve procuring donor tissue from another individual and using it to mend the damaged tissue. While this method does not require taking tissue from a donor area, there are more significant risks of infection and longer recovery times [10]. When used in conjunction with these methods, tissue engineering could allow athletes to make effective recoveries and return to the field much more rapidly. Moreover, experts contend that athletes often do not recoup the full elasticity of ruptured tendons when they are repaired using Fig 3. Tendon regenerated through tissue engineering. 10

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