y To ensure that the voluntary movement A decision was taken to hive off several in Islington is properly funded, properly organisations set up and incubated by ICSS. informed of all developments and funding These included Mildmay Neighbourhood arrangements and other policy matters Forum, the Factory, Blackstock Road Advice y To support and encourage community work, Centre, Under Fives work and the Highbury community development and community Project, which all became independent action voluntary bodies in their own right. y To constantly bring to the attention of New projects included a Job Creation statutory bodies the contribution of Scheme, a Bulk Buy project and a Volunteer voluntary organisations and self-help Working Group to explore the feasibility of groups and their potential for growth creating a Volunteer Bureau (forerunner of y To encourage a continuing re-appraisal of the Volunteer Centre). A directory of groups the roles and modes of action of statutory needing volunteers was published revealing ‘an and voluntary organisations. enormous need by groups for voluntary help.’ A further Handbook for Pensioners was produced Campaigning for change jointly with Age Concern, helping retired people In 1978 IVAC coordinated the Action Group of through the labyrinth of benefits, housing, Voluntary Organisations to campaign against health and other rights. LBI funding cuts. IVAC produced a report on the non-safety of There was a concerted effort to diversify playground and play-equipment on housing income, bringing in support from the UK estates which the Council acted upon. The national government and charitable trusts. result can be seen today in the much safer Additional money provided a focus for equipment and ground surface in many of discussions with the Council about a new UK Islington’s play and recreation areas, for the government partnership scheme. benefit of local children. Celebrating 50 Years of Service 17