Dame Elisabeth Hoodless was a founding member of the ICSS. She was Executive Director of the charity Community Service Volunteers (now Volunteering Matters) for over 50 years after joining in 1963. (Edited article from 2011) The sixties had been an exciting The National Council of Social Service (now time in Islington – responsibility NCVO) had a London officer whose job was for childcare and eldercare to promote the development of Councils had been transferred from the Greater of Social Service. He was a super star: London Council (GLC) to Islington Council, he introduced us to existing councils in housing associations such as Circle 33 other boroughs, to sources of funding and were pioneering new approaches to social produced model constitutions. It seemed to housing and change was in the air. I was take a long time, but we made it happen. a councillor from 1964-68, my husband Our first achievement, in the heady days Donald from 1968-1982. of community development, was to recruit There had been an influx of socially Simon Kaplinsky, a South African refugee, committed young people like us, attracted a civil engineer and another super star. by affordable house prices lower than Our aim was to learn how to help people anywhere else in inner London. People to engage in their own community to like Jack Straw, a barrister; Robin and improve it. He found a derelict factory near Christine Mabey, public servants; Simon Newington Green and secured funding MacLachlan, a solicitor; Pat Haynes, a to transform it in collaboration with local councillor; Gus McDonald the Tribune residents. His skilfully sensitive approach circulation manager and Robin Forrest of mixing building skills with the capacity to the Citizens’ Advice Bureau. empower people to formulate their plans The number of independent not-for-profit transformed the life expectancies of the groups was growing but there was no participants enabling them to sustain clear communications network: no way to the development.” circulate ideas, share premises or learn from others’ experience. 8 Celebrating 50 Years of Service