Andy Gregg was the General Secretary of Islington Voluntary Action Council from 1989 to 1996. In the early 1990s Islington the voluntary and community sector written Council was facing severe cuts by the well-known Black activist and and was reining back spending academic Professor Stuart Hall. on both the voluntary sector and council services. This study was presented at IVAC’s AGM and Conference in 1988 and received very Throughout my period at IVAC we had a positive feedback. diverse group of trustees representing the Islington voluntary and community As well as challenging the local authority’s sector. We were very ably chaired by cuts in aid for the voluntary sector, IVAC Oscar Abrams who was the Director of the also supported the growth of new parts Keskidee Centre, Britain’s first black arts of the sector in this period and developed centre, and a founding member of ISCC good links with Black and Minority Ethnic groups and particularly the emerging IVAC monitored the negative effects on refugee organisations. IVAC set up the the voluntary and community sector of first Islington Refugee Working Party and constant cuts and threats to local services. developed a strong commitment to equal Islington had been a leading council in opportunities and the growing diversity the development of a multi-cultural and of the sector. We developed positive equality-based approach to funding relationships with the Council’s Race community provision. A few months before Equality Unit and chaired the very active I arrived as the General Secretary, IVAC Community Care Forum.” published a study of the effect of cuts to 24 Celebrating 50 Years of Service