The Modern Era 2006 Mike Sherriff took over as CEO of IVAC in September 2006 and would stay for a decade. This period in many ways marks the start of a modern era. IVAC had come through a tough financial period affecting the whole local voluntary sector. The new Gordon Brown Labour Government recognised the value of voluntary sector ‘infrastructure bodies’ both nationally and locally. A new Charity Act came in 2006, said to be the biggest change in charity law for four centuries. It included a ‘public benefit test’ for charities, and a new legal form - the Charitable Incorporated Organisation - that offered smaller charities the protection of incorporation without having to register as a company. Mike Sherriff A Minister of the Third Sector was appointed, and an enhanced Office of the Third Sector was set up within the Cabinet Office. Central In 2008 a national network was set up government funding for VAI reached a alongside the NHS to help service users and peak, including projects to promote urban residents to influence health and social care development, social cohesion, and help provision, known as LINK. IVAC was chosen to children in early years. support the setting up of this new LINK body for Islington. Celebrating 50 Years of Service 31