Going forward, we hope to harness and Our strategy embraces four main build upon the strengths of this highly objectives: effective partnership by working in a more y We will continue to support VCFS integrated way with our colleagues from organisations that are focusing their across Islington council, health authorities, efforts on the boroughs most pressing and charitable funders. issues, such as inequality, poverty and Our Strategy for the future poor health y We will seek to amplify the voice of our We have drawn on our experiences of local communities by working more the last 2 years - having gained so much closely with the VCFS as representatives valuable insight from working with our of those who are less heard and through colleagues in the VCFS. our own community development activities In our new strategy we set out how y We will collaborate with partners in the Voluntary Action Islington will work more VCFS, public and commercial sectors to effectively to support the VCFS so that it maximise resources and impact continues to play its crucial role to make y We will continue to help residents life better and fairer for all of Islington’s who want to access volunteering communities. opportunities to enhance their skills and want to benefit the community. 42 Celebrating 50 Years of Service