Our Founding Members This founding group included Elisabeth In this setting in Islington, a Hoodless (a young national charity leader and group of local people in voluntary our first Secretary), Pat Haynes (a stalwart of Tribune newspaper and our Treasurer for 40 organisations, faith organisations, years), Rev R E Simpson (our first Chairman), public services and local councillors Oscar Abrams (Director of the Keskidee Arts Centre, Britain’s first Black arts centre), Chris formed the backbone of those St Hill (a Caribbean-born community relations who created ICSS. They posed officer), Robin Forrest representing the Citizens’ the question: Could social change Advice Bureau and many other councillors, faith and voluntary sector activists. be advanced by bringing the local The support and encouragement of the local voluntary sector together and council was vital to the emergence of Councils working with the public sector? of Voluntary Services (CVS), and ICSS was no exception. The benefit for the Council was to create a positive relationship with, and to help strengthen, local voluntary and community sector organisations so they in turn could better support the community. The council was taking on new responsibilities devolved from the Greater London Council. Voluntary organisations were often more closely in touch with sections of the community than the local authority was. Consequently, the council agreed to provide Elisabeth Hoodless Oscar Abrams core funding, and nominate representatives to serve on the VAI Executive Committee. 6 Celebrating 50 Years of Service