“We believe that it is absolutely vital in the current economic and political environment that existing and emerging voluntary and community sector organisations continue to have access to high quality and proactive support, delivered by organisations that are independent of statutory sector bodies.” Mike Sherriff, CEO, and Andy Murphy, chair, 2011-12 IVAC annual report In 2012 the Olympic and Paralympic Games In 2014-15 VAI became the first Council for came to London with an unprecedented Voluntary Service (CVS) in the country to involvement of 70,000 volunteers. In this be accredited as a Living Wage employer. It period, Volunteer Fairs were organised to guaranteed to pay at least the London Living attract organisations and potential volunteers. Wage to its staff and negotiated with the Help for volunteers seeking employment was Borough (itself a signatory) to ensure council stepped up. funding supported adherence to the London Living Wage among voluntary organisations. Volunteer of the Year Awards were organised annually in Islington to celebrate the fantastic work of local voluntary organisations and volunteers during the year. A ‘Pat Haynes Memorial Award’ for trustees (often overlooked as volunteers) was established in honour of our long serving Treasurer. 36 Celebrating 50 Years of Service