Mike Sherriff served as Chief Executive of IVAC, then VAI, 2006-2016. I joined IVAC following a huge We were the first CVS to become an dispute with the council, who accredited Living Wage employer. We had sold several premises used invested in the Credit Union. We recognized by the voluntary sector. We successfully bid the amazing work of local volunteers at the to the Big Lottery Fund for a 5 year project annual Volunteer of the Year Awards. that assisted many local organisations with building management. After one fact-finding visit, I remember the then Chief Executive of the Council When I joined IVAC the council were keen declaring as we jumped on a bus: “Your to rebuild better relations. The Government chairman is the missing link”! At first, I required councils to involve the voluntary was surprised as I knew he had a mixed sector in Local Strategic Partnerships, reputation, but she explained that we responsible for allocating funds from were very lucky to have him as chair central government. Numerous initiatives because he could make links between were open to the voluntary sector and community activists and the local council. IVAC’s turnover reached over £1.5m. To me this is the unique role of a CVS and a positive relationship between In my time, the most long-lasting changes voluntary organisations and a progressive were merging with the Volunteer Centre, council can maximise benefit for local moving to the new Centre on Pentonville communities.” Road and adopting a new name and web site as Voluntary Action Islington. Celebrating 50 Years of Service 33