Some of the early member organisations of ICSS (1972) y British Polio Fellowship y Islington Committee for y Caledonian Road Community Project Community Relations y Campaign for Homosexual Equality y Islington Old People’s Welfare Association y Caribbean Overseas Association y Islington Poverty Action Group y Caxton House Settlement y Islington and Shoreditch y Circle 33 Housing Trust Housing Association y Citizens Advice Bureau Islington y The Islington Society y City University y Islington Society for Mentally y Community Service Volunteers Handicapped Children y Cross Street Baptist Church y Keskidee Centre y Cypriot Youth Social and Cultural Society y Liverpool Road Association y Elfrida Rathbone Committee y London Marriage Guidance Council y Family Planning Association y Martin Luther King Centre y Family Welfare Association y NSPCC y Greater London Association for the y North London Spastic Society Disabled, Islington Committee y Optimists Swimming Club y Hackney and Islington Association for y Polytechnic of North London Parents of ESN Children y Rotary Club of Finsbury y Hackney and Islington World Development y St Mary Magdelene Church Action Group y Society of St Vincent de Paul, y Islington Association for the Welfare of St Joan of Arc Conference Children in Hospital y Thornhill Association y Islington Boat Club y Trades Council, Islington y Islington Borough Youth Committee y Tufnell Park Residents’ Association y Islington Central Methodist Church y YMCA 10 Celebrating 50 Years of Service