A standing item was from our Public Health experiences of community safety in the Islington colleagues who provided briefings borough. We promoted widely and hosted on the COVID-19 vaccination programme an in-person focus group for the and other to inform and engage the wider VCFS in the partners on the 29 September which was implementation of the vaccination programme chaired by Cllr Sue Lukes. and we prioritised other winter planning which 4e. LBI Good Work – What’s the system helped raise awareness of key Public Health change we need to see happen? What messaging and how to best support the VCFS part do we all play? – September 2021 to disseminate messages to local residents. Our CEO represented the VCFS at the An event hosted by Council colleagues to following workshops as well as supporting support Good Work in Islington. The session the engagement of the wider VCFS in the explored this by hearing from other Good development of council strategies: Work campaigns in Manchester and Sheffield, researchers who are active in this area, and 4c. Progressive Procurement – July 2021 will engage businesses, trade unions and An online discussion event on how community voices based in Islington to find procurement can generate real social value out specific barriers and areas where Islington and achieve sustained community benefits. Council can play an active role. 4d. LBI Violence Reduction Strategy – The purpose of the discussion was to identify September 2021 2-3 potential pilot projects. Capabilities in Academic Policy Engagement (CAPE) led on As part of the Councils new strategy, this with the aim that they would go on to look we supported the ‘Violence Reduction to fund an initiative up to £25k that supports Engagement Week’ to engage with and researchers, businesses and the local communities and get their feedback so authority to collaborate on this issue. that it reflected their views, knowledge and 34 Annual and Impact Report 21/22

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