STRATEGIC Strengthen Partnerships AIM 5 Much of our work to strengthen the voice of the VCFS as per our fourth strategic aim also falls within this aim. In this section we have concentrated on the work we are involved in to develop and support VCFSE organisations working with children and young people. During this year, our main activities included: 5a. Young Islington Networks – North, young people and providers; opportunity Central and South to access a wide range of statutory We supported the development of the partners such as Education, SEND, Health, Council’s Young Islington Networks bringing Community Safety, Youth Justice, Targeted together VCFS providers of children and youth Support, early Help and Social Care young people’s services. The aims of the departments for info and support. Networks are to provide an opportunity to y opportunities for young people through a access: well promoted collective offer. y Information, funding and capacity building y professional resources and information opportunities promoted through the to improve practice, support work and network; onward referrals for those that who provide y free training, space for meetings and specialist services. activities; conferences and workshops on a wide range of topical issues for 36 Annual and Impact Report 21/22