STRATEGIC Support Voluntary, Community AIM and Faith Sector Development 1 During this year, our main activities included: 1a. Capacity building and 1b. Advice, information, and support organisational development support In July 2021, we were pleased to secure a Throughout the year we: further 3 years core funding to enable us to y Responded to 195 requests for support support the local VCFS – mostly small groups and advice from local groups. and grassroots organisations. y Held 16 advice sessions in which 37 different groups attended. As part of our forward plan, we have taken into y Provided advice and support to 59 consideration what the VCFS fed back through different groups outside of the structured Islington Council’s capacity building review advice sessions. carried out by Locality in early 2021 as well as y Worked with 96 different groups via zoom our own insight from what VCFS organisations meetings, in-person, through telephone have been telling us and what we have calls and emails. observed through our service delivery and The info graphic shows the number of the consultations. Our aim is to work more closely advice and support we provided in the top 4 with the VCFS to help address inequality in the most requested topics. borough which have been hugely exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. 8 Annual and Impact Report 21/22