Cross Sector Partnerships We worked in partnership with a variety of agencies to deliver capacity building support to the VCFS: Big Alliance: We work in partnership with LBI Young Islington – Universal Youth the Big Alliance by referring groups needing Work Tendering Workshops: VAI hosted 2 specialists support from them such as workshops co-designed with Young Islington, marketing, legal and finance. to provide information and support to groups working with children and young people and Cripplegate Foundation: We work in interested in the Council’s new youth work partnership with Cripplegate Foundation offer and tendering opportunities. on their Islington Community Chest fund. VAI promoted this fund three times during Russell-Cooke: Law firm which provides free the year and provided advice support to 14 telephone helpline for VAI members on issues groups applying for this fund. relating to running a charity. This service was promoted monthly on VAI’s Newsgroup. We Funders Network: This partnership is made referred 6 groups to this service. up local capacity building organisations and funders brought together by Islington Council The National Lottery Community Fund: to support the co-ordination of capacity We work in partnership with this funder building support to the local. Going forward and organised one to one surgeries for we hope to be more active in providing more groups to access free advice on their effective communication about the capacity funding applications with a National Lottery building and volunteering offer available to the Community Fund Officer. sector as well as work more effectively with partners to ensure gaps and needs are being met, and feed in what groups are telling us they need. 14 Annual and Impact Report 21/22