y Islington Refugee and Migrant Forum – Conference, Training and a refugee-led, independent organisation, Meeting Room Facilities which was created to act as a common During the year, we have supported voice for refugees, to improve their quality 36 charities, including small groups/ of life and support their integration into organisations on 235 occasions, providing the community; them with training, conference, and meeting y Migrant Voice – a migrant-led national rooms facilities. organisation building a community of migrant voices to speak for ourselves and “Change call for justice for all; Communication y Sapphire Foundation – work involves moved into the VAI empowering, equipping, inspiring, training, mentoring, motivating and educating Resource Centre in March 2021. It young people aged 5 to 30 years old is a comfortable but professional through literature, events, media and space providing us with access programmes; y SERA – As a membership organisation to meeting rooms, excellent wi-fi, they act as a hub for red-green politics and a fantastic central location. across the UK, with active local branches The staff at reception are very raising the profile of environmental issues in their area; helpful and welcoming to our y Universal Ease to Redress – a non- colleagues and those who use governmental and not-for-profit our service. And of course, the organisation based in London and aims to promote human rights and to tackle costs are very reasonable!” poverty and injustice, at both the national and international levels. Change Communication (Charity) 20 Annual and Impact Report 21/22