CENTRAL WISCONSIN VISITOR’S GUIDE | www.visitwausau.com REFERENCE GUIDE One park with an endless supply of recreational possibilities One of the oldest rock formations on earth, Rib Mountain stands proudly in the middle of Wausau/Central Wisconsin, o ff ering a place to enjoy nature and wonder at its spectacle. The name “Rib” comes from a combination of the mountain’s history and the area’s Native American heritage. There is evidence that rock formations, estimated to be a billion years old, were at one time submerged below a great inland sea. A great upheaval, caused by tremendous pressures within the earth formed Rib Mountain, as well as other hills in the area. As the fourth highest peak in Wisconsin, Rib Mountain has a lot to o ff er visitors. The view is particularly breathtaking from the observation tower, a 60-foot structure that serves as a perch for those who climb its winding stairs high above the tree tops. With 1,500-plus acres, the park boasts a well-maintained network of hiking and nature trails throughout the wooded area. The nature trails meander through the park’s rocky outcroppings, o ff ering fun places to climb or sit and enjoy the views. The park is also a wonderful place to observe deer, woodchucks and a variety of birds at close range. 149801 State Park Road, Wausau, WI 54401, 715-842-2522. Enjoy autumn in Wausau/Central Wisconsin A tradition for fall color enthusiasts is the pilgrimage to Rib Mountain State Park. Each year the faithful hike in the spectacular views from one of the highest points in the entire state. Take your time and stop at the numerous observation points or head straight for the 60-foot observation tower. At the top, miles and miles of beautiful color unravel before you. If you prefer to appreciate nature at ground level, there are several opportunities for you to crunch through fallen leaves or shoot some award-winning pictures. The photo above was taken at Rib Mountain State Park. On a clear day, the brilliant waters of Lake Wausau set against the vibrant colors of the trees create a fantastic scene, perfect to enjoy during a fall picnic. Comet Sky Ride The Comet Sky Ride features a six-seat chairlift that encloses its passengers with a safety bar. The chairs move slowly for easy loading and unloading. A roundtrip ticket allows you to start at either Granite Peak Ski Area or at Rib Mountain State Park. You can get o ff at the midway point of the round trip and walk around, then resume the ride back to your starting point. Comet Sky Ride is available mid-September through mid-October. For more information, please visit skigranitepeak.com. Rib Mountain State Park 35 RIB MOUNTAIN STATE PARK • CHAIRLIFT