Granite Peak Ski Resort at Rib Mountain, is W i s c o n s i n’s legendary resort - one of the first created in the nation back in 1937. With state-of-the-art snowmaking and the cozy vibe of bigger resort lodges, Granite Peak ranks on everyone’s Midwest top three list. Tu b i n g at Sylvan Hill is a top destination in the state. There are over 880 miles of snowmobile trails maintained by 28 clubs with plenty of hospitality along the way. Nordic (X-country) skiing and snowshoeing trails are groomed and lighted at Nine Mile Forest Recreation Area. The chalet o ff ers rentals and instruction. Sylvan, Ringle Marsh, Big Eau Pleine, Erbach park in Athens, are all great places to Skijor (look it up). Fat Tire Biking is so much fun in groomed trails at Nine Mile, Underdown and Ringle! Greater Wausau has a fantastic Holiday Parade, Winterfest and unique shopping experiences like Makers Markets, boutiques, and local vendors who give you one-on-one attention. Check out Evolutions, The Local, and every merchant repped by the River District. If you’re into cozy, try the Igloos at Van Acre restaurant, near Granite Peak (which has its own fires going). The winter farmers market happens every Saturday at Whitewater Music Hall. The venue is a hub of the community, featuring Americana artists & bands, co ff ee in the morning, a brewery and cra " beverages, local art, and other surprises. Need a warm beverage? There are a plethora of local co ff ee shops, as well as national brands available in the area. Pick your comfortable hang spot. Get back outdoors to ice skate at the 400 block, area parks, or play some hockey and put the biscuit in the basket. Area farms and orchards o ff er sleigh rides and family fun in the snow. Our message to you: Enjoy the cold and the warmth as you experience the wonder of winter! More ideas for indoor activities are in the spring section. ! e Great Nearby Warm Your Soul “. . . w h o marvels at the beauty of the world in summer will find equal cause for wonder and admiration in winter.”- naturalist John Burroughs Ye s , we get snow. If we don’t get enough snow, we make it. WINTERFEST NINE MILE COUNTY FOREST 10