CSR Creating a better tomorrow, today. Eye Screening and free cataract Surgeries Camps Blindness is not only a health problem but is one of the most important social problems worldwide with enormous economic implications. Blindness is mainly a problem of developing countries which is preventable in at least 80% of cases. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in September 2015. There are several targets and indicators within Goal 3: Good Health which is very relevant for eye health and within this goal. Prevention and control of blindness is included within the Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) under the SDGs which are largely diseases of poverty and addressing them can help to reduce eye health inequalities. Majority of the population is oblivious to the fact that blindness can be prevented, treated, and cured if timely measures are taken. There is an urgent need to cater to this segment of the population and those who are on the verge of getting blind. Understanding the need and our commitment to provide Eyecare screening and services to the marginalised sections of the society, LCF organised 19 camps across India in the past quarter in which a total of 437 Cataract Surgeries were conducted, 1259 patients were provided with Spectacles and 1681 patients received critical medicines. umax-DK Jain Group is committed to creating a better tomorrow by contributing towards the society at large focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals. The major areas of our initiatives have been Healthcare and Education with several other initiatives related, infrastructure development, sanitation etc. In the past quarter, Lumax-DK Jain Group through its CSR arm Lumax Charitable Foundation (LCF) contin- ued implementation of several initiatives. Eye Screening Camps 19 Spectacles Provided 1259 Critical Medicines Provided 1681 Free Cataract Surguries 437

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