CSR LCF distributed Sanitary Napkins to students of classes 9th -12th in our all schools. The objective of distributing sanitary napkins is to increase the use of healthy sanitary products for girls during their menstruation as well as to motivate them to not to restrict oneself for any kind of routine activity such as attending schools during their menstruation period. LCF conducted awareness sessions on Personal Hygiene with the community members and guided them in having safe and acceptable access to appropriate healthcare information. Awareness Sessions on Personal Hygiene Sanitary Napkins Distribution To create awareness in women regarding importance of Personal Hygiene & Healthy Lifestyle so they can support their daughters & Daughter in laws To them scientific reason & facts to clear the myths they must make them aware of Risks and prevention of infections during Menstruation Cycle To increase the use of healthy sanitary products during Menstruation Cycle

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