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Accepting the anyone about it and thought we could manage things on reality was the first our own I didn't want sympathy from anyone. So was al- ways trying hard to smile through all my hardships. Later step of coping. on when I started accepting, opening up and coping, Once acceptance things were much easier for me. I stood strong and smiled came then things through my difficult situations without much effort. My started falling in husband was the reason for me to get back my life. For place. I was able to sure this phase has really transformed me completely. think better and in Your feelings when your pregnancy was confirmed? a practical manner. I don't want to describe the whole situation as I've already I stopped feeling written it in my book. When I got to know that I was preg- guilty and nant it was disbelief at first. Something which we wanted helpless. Started to hear for many years, coming true. We cried for a long time... tears of happiness. Once we got out of the initial ex- being more open to citement we knelt down and prayed. Contacted our doc- people about my tor and shared our joy. You will understand the actual situation. Stopped pulse only if you read the book. comparing myself with others. The joy of motherhood. The moment you held your son in your arms. Please describe. Started loving and A beautiful experience which can't be described in words. taking care of I thought more than happiness, it was a feeling of relief, a myself.

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