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15 Your Guide For A Child t July 2022 MYTH 3: YOU CAN’T GET PREG- NANT DURING YOUR PERIOD While ovulation typically doesn’t occur until after you’re done men- struating, there’s still some chance of getting pregnant while riding the crimson wave. How? Because sperm can survive for up to five or six days, there may be some hold- outs waiting for their chance at in- famy when you finally start ovulating. If you’re eager to start a family, feel free to cross that thin red line without defensive armor. MYTH 4: HAVING AN ORGASM WILL SEAL THE DEAL If you’ve been trying to get pregnant for awhile, babymaking sex has likely crossed the line from sexy into awkward. Especially if you’ve been keeping a menstrual calendar, in which case your scheduled sex probably also feels contrived. Because of this, actually ex- periencing an orgasm during the act is defi- nitely a plus (or perhaps even a miracle). Still, though the contraction of the uterus that oc- curs during orgasm does help sperm travel more quickly toward the fallopian tubes, your big O does not seal the deal. Once those sperm hit the f-tubes, the rest is up to them. MYTH 5: CAFFEINE INHIBITS YOUR PREGNANCY ODDS Though I tried to cut back on caffeine when I first started trying, I’m now back up to two cups of regular in the morning and two cups of decaf in the afternoon. Luckily, excessive caffeine intake has only been proven to have an adverse effect on fertility with those who have experienced prior fertility issues. The lesson, as always, is to indulge in moderation.

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