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Your Guide For A Child t July 2022 32 • Three decades of experience in IVF and re- lated technologies. • Range of ART services like In Vitro Fertiliza- ton (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Embryo Freezing (VITRIFICATION) and Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET), Egg (Oocyte) Donation, Sperm Donation, IUI, Embryo Do- nation, egg freezing, Transvaginal Ultraso- nography, Operative Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy • Highly qualified staff of more than 30 members including IVF Clinicians and Direc- tor, ICSI Specialist, IVF Embryologist, Vitrifica- tion and Freezing Expert, Andrologists, Endoscopic Surgeon, IVF Nurses, IVF coun- selors and others. • Ultra-modern Hi-tech IVF laboratory with air purifiers, K-system laminar air flow, Con- ventional Heracell Incubators, Modern day Desktop incubators, ICSI unit from RI with mi- cromanipulators, Vitrification unit, Liquid ni- trogen canisters and five state-of-the-art ultrasound machines for follicle studies and infertility diagnosis • Operation theatre with new Samsung R7 4- D ultrasound machine for egg retrieval and embryo transfer, Cook oocyte aspiration unit, CODA air filtration unit, anesthesia machines, defibrillators, heating blocks, endoscopy equipment, harmonic scalpel, morcellator, glycine infusion pump, light source, cautery and suction units • Technology and success on par with the best clinics in the world • The clinic has patients from countries all over the world including USA, UK, Australia, Canada, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Fiji, China, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Phillipines, South Af- rica, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda Afghan- istan, Iraq, Iran, Tanzania, South Africa among others.

IVF India July 2022 - Page 32 IVF India July 2022 Page 31 Page 33