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Your Guide For A Child t July 2022 30 Best IVF Docs in India - II Dr Jatin Shah Mumbai Fertility Clinic & IVF Centre Mumbai On completing his MD in obstetrics and gy- necology, Dr Jatin Shah had a life vision of being able to treat infertile couples and help alleviate their intense emotional suf- fering. Over the past three decades, he has brought happiness to lives of more than 18,000 infertile couples helping them achieve their dreams of having a child/chil- dren. In the year 2014, the center estab- lished the various techniques of Assisted Reproduction such as IVF, ICSI, Vitrified and Frozen embryo transfer, Egg / Embryo / Sperm Donation and Surrogacy. Dr Jatin P Shah has the unique distinction of performing all IVF tasks including Ultra- sonography, Oocyte Retrieval Surgery, IVF Embryology and Embryo Transfer per- sonally which reflects in the exceptionally high success rates. His ability to trouble- shoot and solve problems in IVF & ICSI pro- grams in different laboratories has earned him the nickname of "IVF Commando".

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