How You Can Use Self-Hypnosis to Shed Bad Habits

HOW YOU CAN USE SELF-HYPNOSIS TO SHED BAD HABITS Source of Content hypnosis-to-shed-bad-habits/

The Science of Habits Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov discovered a process known as classical conditioning. Classical conditioning links two stimuli together to create a new learned response. For Pavlov, this meant ringing a bell resulted in dogs salivating. For us, however, it can mean anything from smoking a cigarette after a particularly satisfying meal to biting our nails during moments of intense stress. Classical conditioning can explain quite a few human habits and foibles, many of which are little more than patterns of stimulus and response. We simply do not put a lot of thought into our habits, and that is a feature rather than a flaw. It helps our brains conserve energy and use their resources for more important functions. MIT researchers discovered the neurological foundation of habits. Neurons, or nerve cells, are the basic building blocks of the brain and receive sensory input and carry electrical and chemical signals throughout your body. The neurons that are located in the basal ganglia, which is responsible for habit formation, memories, and emotions, fire at the beginning of a specific behavior and again once it is finished. With repetition, these neurons develop a pattern, and much like Pavlov’s dogs, your response becomes conditioned. Source of Content bad-habits/