Are You Getting Enough Sleep? The Answer Might Surprise You

To help you sleep better, try a relaxing bedtime routine of reading, warm baths, meditation and/or hypnosis or music. Maintain a regular sleeping schedule even on weekends so that your body’s natural circadian rhythms are not disrupted unnecessarily. Visit today to find out more about how you can improve your rest or download our app.

What would you like to achieve today?        Are You Getting Enough Sleep? The Answer Might Surprise You Sleep 12     Reviewed by Christine Deschemin, Clinical Hypnotherapist Are You Getting Enough Rest? | Quality vs. Quantity: Does it Matter? | Getting the Better Sleep You Need Insuf몭cient or poor-quality rest is a worldwide problem that affects people of just about all age ranges. When we fail to get enough rest, we are at a higher risk of numerous health issues, including impaired cognitive function, obesity, and diabetes. Many things can keep you from getting the rest you need, including caffeine, diet, stress, and tobacco use. If you are not getting enough rest or not getting high-quality rest, your wellbeing could be at risk. Understanding your needs can help you get the better sleep you need for good health. Are You Getting Enough Rest? The conventional wisdom is that we all need eight hours of rest a night, but is that the truth? In fact, humans need varying amounts of rest at different points in life. Newborns and infants need between 14 and 17 hours a day while children and Cookies Settings teens need between eight and 13 hours of rest a day. By the time we reach adulthood, most of us need about seven to nine We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to hours of rest a day. analyse our traf몭c. We also share information about your use of our site with our social Accept media, advertising and analytics partners. Privacy Policy Cookies While you might be able to function on fewer than seven hours of rest a day, this can create a sleep debt, which will interfere with health and function. Over time, it can increase your risk of a variety of health and cognitive issues. If you cannot get the rest you need, you can offset that loss with a brief nap. For the best results, aim for 20-minute naps, which can leave you feeling refreshed and restored without letting you slip into deeper stages of sleep, which can cause you to wake feeling groggy and disoriented.

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