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VICE CHANCELLOR’S RESEARCH AWARDS MOST INNOVATIVE PROTOTYPE DEVELOPED MEDAL WINNER: Professor Edson L. Meyer and Dr Olufemi Olayiwola Professor Edson L. Meyer, Director of the University of Fort Hare’s Institute of Technology, has been actively involved in renewable energy research for 26 years. His skills and expertise in semiconductor device physics, inorganic material chemistry, solid state physics and novel material characterisation, solar cells, modules and systems, solar energy yield studies, building integrated photovoltaics, and solar resource assessment have resulted in the award of a C rating by the National Research Foundation (NRF). Professor Meyer has been part of the Energy Research Programme in South Africa since 2006. His own research group is part of the Photovoltaic Spoke funded by the national Department of Science and Innovation. In addition, he has been the lead investigator in Professor Edson L. Meyer (Left) and Dr Olufemi Olayiwola (Right) a long-term contract with the national utility Eskom for measurement and of the Fort Hare Institute of research work is complemented verification of energy conservation Technology contributing to research by his experience of working for initiatives in the domestic, commercial on solar photovoltaic applications several years in the solar photovoltaic and industrial sectors. Through and smart energy systems. His skills industry in Nigeria and South Africa. his strategic research endeavours, and expertise lie in renewable energy Professor Meyer has worked with Dr Olayiwola holds a Bachelor of more than 75 postdoctoral fellows, technologies, solar photovoltaic applications and devices, device Science degree in Physics (Hons.), and doctoral and master’s graduates, and physics, semiconductor materials, a Master of Science degree in Electrical has produced more than 300 research power electronics, electrical and and Electronics Engineering, and was articles, contributions to conference awarded his Doctor of Philosophy proceedings, and technical reports. electrochemical systems, digital technologies and artificial intelligence. degree in Electrical Engineering from Professor Meyer received his doctoral He has published in various the University of Cape Town. degree in physics from the University international high-impact journals of Port Elizabeth in 2002. devoted to electrical and electronic Dr Olufemi I. Olayiwola is a member engineering and serves as a reviewer in the same area. Dr Olayiwola’s PRE-COMMERCIALIZATION INNOVATION PRODUCT, SERVICE OR PROCESS DEVELOPED MEDAL WINNER: Professor Edson L. Meyer and Dr Olufemi I. Olayiwola Research Report 2021/2022 | 74

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