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LEGAL ISSUES Professor Patrick Osode the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ are so Osode comes to the conclusion that round of financial services law reform stark. However, the means by which other countries could learn from would do well to take heed of his financial inclusion would be achieved South Africa’s implementation of the perspicacity. were only beginning to emerge in ‘twin peaks’ model. Professor Osode Reference: 2020, three years after the FSRA cites Australia’s recent Hayne Report became part of national legislation. In which looked into misconduct in Osode, P. 2021. ‘Two heads are spite of this, the success of the FSCA the banking, pension and financial better than one: Assessing South in delivering on its closely related services industry noting that Australia Africa’s ‘twin peaks’ financial mandate to design and deliver could learn from the design of model. Interdisciplinary Journal of financial education programmes for South Africa’s ‘twin peaks’ regulatory Economics and Business Law, 10: current and future financial service architecture. 0-32 consumers as well as the general In turning a critical eye to the public has already shown the potential implementation of the ‘twin peaks’ to impact on financial inclusion in the model in South Africa, Professor country. Osode once again shows how the In spite of being able to identify expertise and insight of Fort Hare problems with the implementation of researchers have much to offer the the model in South Africa, Professor country. Those involved in the next Research Report 2021/2022 | 62

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