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NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES UFH team takes us a step forward in addressing antibiotic resistance Adaora Ezeuko and Eric Anthony he introduction of penicillin in had the potential to become much people admitted for treatment, who the 1940s heralded a new era greater threats to health and life then have to contend with a life- of medical practice. Doctors was greatly increased. However, for threatening bacterial infection as well T and healers had battled bacterial years now, scientists and doctors as the original disease, and, of course, infections for centuries, and the have been warning about the abuse we are all aware of drug resistant discovery of an antibiotic that would of antibiotics and the development of TB because of its effect on many kill bacteria meant surgery suddenly drug resistant strains of bacteria that members of our own communities. became safer, the chances of healing threaten human lives. Scientists have been able to identify from injuries became stronger, and So-called ‘superbugs’ in hospitals the genes that are implicated in the ability to combat simple ailments can have devastating effects on resistance to antibiotics for some time like sore throats and bronchitis that 19 | University of Fort Hare

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