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MANAGEMENT AND COMMERCE to view online learning positively, academic support structures, as One other of the many although only a third of respondents these could be offered and conducted recommendations focuses on the claimed to enjoy the online learning online. need for the colleges to provide more experience in 2020, and reported The two researchers also identified opportunities for social interaction needing more motivation, adequate the need to provide opportunities via clubs and societies on campus. support from the college, and more for students to access mobile Professors Viljoen and Cilliers point social interaction with the lecturer to devices and data by partnering with out that initiatives to improve social gain more from their online learning technology companies and providing interaction would not necessarily be experiences. discounted rates for students. The costly and could have an enormous access to data represents a very real impact on the way students feel about Recommendations made by themselves and college life. Professors Viljoen and Cilliers as a problem for TVET students and is result of their study include the need something that must be addressed. Once again, this study by Fort Hare to improve online learning facilities This would help them with their academics shows how research by providing a balance of face-to-face studies, in forming study groups, in conducted at the University has the and online learning interactions. If accessing the learning material from potential to make a real difference colleges provide more online support, wherever they are, and in connecting at so many levels. Improvements in more structure to the online learning to one another. Specifically, more TVET Colleges could make them much material, and more opportunities TVET students need to be provided more attractive to school leavers and for online ‘real time’ interactions, with laptops or tablets, as it is not an contribute to providing South Africa they could add significant value to ideal learning experience for students with the skilled workforce needed to the student learning experience. to use their mobile phones for study fulfil its economic potential. This would also address student purposes. dissatisfaction with additional Research Report 2021/2022 | 52

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