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MANAGEMENT AND COMMERCE What is widely perceived as the to meet complex challenges and, Department of Public Administration dysfunction of local government has at the same time, make the most at UFH, argues that the struggle made headlines in South Africa for of opportunities for innovation identified in the rallying call of ‘aluta many years now with commentators represented an opportunity for a new continua’ cannot last forever. The citing capacity and skills deficits as journal as a forum for research. editorial then goes on to describe reasons for failures in service delivery. In 2021, JOLGRI was listed in the JOLGRI as a journal which seeks to When JOLGRI was established there Directory for Open Access Journals become a major player in scholarship was no indication that the world (DOAJ), an index approved by the and research on local government was about to witness a period of Department of Higher Education by developing a number of niche unprecedented disruption. An (DHET) for subsidy purposes. In an research areas. editorial written by Professor Nzewi in editorial entitled ‘Transformative UFH’s Strategic Plan, Towards a January 2020, entitled Re-envisioning networks and public participation in Decade of Renewal, 2022-2026, local government studies, research local government in the post COVID sets into motion a decade of new and practice for the future, reflected era’ written in the same year, Professor beginnings, fresh perspectives and on the potential of local government Nzewi noted how limitations on social good governance. Arguably, the same to best adopt practices and foster contact during the pandemic had kind of renewal is needed in local growth and innovation. However, affected the way local government, government in South Africa. However, as if predicting the near future, the the sphere of government closest to to re-envision local government as editorial also contemplated the ability the people, was able to interact with the globe recovers from COVID 19, of many local governments, given their the people it served. For Professor research must play a role and it is current state, to manage day to day Nzewi, Covid-19 had forced a ‘hard here that JOLGRI has an enormous responsibilities and, at the same time, shift in previously designed public contribution to make. As a DHET deal with any crises that might occur. participatory strategies’. accredited journal hosted by UFH, According to United Cities and Local JOLGRI is not only working towards Government, the largest organisation JOLGRI is the only accredited South contributing to the University’s of local and regional governments African journal focused on local decade of renewal but also to the in the world, local governments in government research and practice renewal of local government itself by developing nations struggle to attain and sees its role as becoming even encouraging and disseminating high the momentum needed to innovate more urgent in coming years. In its quality research. and offer alternative services in many 2022 editorial entitled ‘Aluta Continua: areas including the need to manage will it ever end? The reality of local spatial development in the context of government in practice’, Associate historical legacies and climate change. Editor Dr Tando Rulashe, of the The need for local governments Research Report 2021/2022 | 54

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