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NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES 4.0. Conclusion The synthesis of SiO @Zn2+ was successfully achieved and employed for bacteria DNA removal from aqueous solution. 2 This study showed that different operating parameters (time-concentration profile, and adsorbent dose) influenced the adsorption process and enhanced the removal of bacterial DNA conveying ARG onto SiO @Zn2+ from aqueous solution. 2 Acknowledgments The authors thank the South Africa Medical Research Council for financial support. References Eric A. T, Ojemaye, M. O., Okoh, O. O., & Okoh, A. I. (2022). Le, T. H., Ng, C., Tran, N. H., Chen, H., & Gin, K. Y. H. (2018). Influence of different Ag/ZnO heterostructures on the Removal of antibiotic residues, antibiotic-resistant removal efficiency of multidrug-resistant Enterococcus bacteria, and antibiotic resistance genes in municipal faecium harboring multiple resistance genes from tap wastewater by membrane bioreactor systems. Water water. 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