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HEALTH SCIENCES in collaboration with the Accelerate conducting a handheld test while in deeply. Yet again, the work of the Hub, a group committed to working the home itself. If the test is positive, UFH Research Group demonstrates with adolescents in resource poor the entire household is asked to go to sensitivity to local contexts. contexts in Africa. the clinic as a group. Members of the Research Group Another partnership enjoyed by The need to make the best of limited also partner with another NGO, the Research Group involves the health services in rural areas also led BeyondZero, focused on investigating Desmond Tutu Research Foundation’s to the development of a screening best practices in HIV prevention (DTRF) Dr Andrew Marino. Dr Marino’s tool which reduces demands on programmes. Professor Mzi Nduna focus is on screening for sexually the time of professional nurses in of the Department of Public Health transmitted infections (STIs), pre- primary health clinics. Statistics show has extensive experience of working exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and that almost half of health care users in the field of sexual minorities and anti-retroviral therapy (ART). The in the Eastern Cape have mental adolescent sexual health and brings prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) among health needs even though they go to this in-depth expertise to studies men in the Amathole District is almost clinics complaining about symptoms conducted by the Group. double that which is internationally associated with another condition The commitment of researchers at accepted as a crisis level. Further such as high blood pressure. Mental the University of Fort Hare to making research undertaken by Dr Marino health issues including underlying a difference in the lives of South and the DTRF shows a relationship stress, anxiety or depression can then Africans, particularly those living in between mental health (especially go undetected and untreated. The the Eastern Cape, is evident in many depression) and TB rates and has innovation involves the introduction of the accounts of studies in this also resulted in a testing innovation of a short screening tool to check for research report. The work of the HIV/ particularly suitable for households mental health issues. If a potential AIDS Research Group undoubtedly in poor rural areas. The innovation problem is then identified, nurses can provides a shining example of this involves pooling the sputum of use a more rigorous tool involving and needs to be applauded loudly. all members of a household and thirty questions to probe more Research Report 2021/2022 | 34

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